
Archive for the ‘books’ Category

We have just spent the last fifteen months touring parts of the world and we had many many hours sitting on public transport. To while away the time, we often played a game that requires no board, no pieces, no batteries – just an acquaintance with storybooks.

“I’m thinking of….”

One person would think of a book character – it might be Peter Rabbit or The Little Engine That Could or Goldilocks or The Very Hungry Caterpillar or The Gingerbread Man or Jack (who climbed a beanstalk) – and  everyone else would have to ask yes/no questions to try to find out WHO it is.

We’ve played the same thing with Bible characters too.
And you could do it with other historical characters or sports or animals or countries or famous monuments or almost anything!

I’ll tell you what….I’ll play a game with you right now if you like. I’m thinking of…..(it’s a country, so you ask a question in the comments to try to find out. I’ll check the comments once a day and post replies. Whoever guesses correctly gets a chocolate fish. If you make a guess and you’re wrong, unfortunately you have to sit out until the next round.)

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I (fifteen year old female with an unusual name I thank my parents for – Jaala) have a passion for all things creative. Since I was little I have loved making things….when my naturalistically-inclined brother was collecting insects, I made houses for his finds to live in…when he switched to birdwatching I constructed a hide for him to do it from….when my dolls needed new clothes I made them….when we were sweltering in the hot European sun, we tried valiantly to build a mechanical fan….hunger has given me cause to learn to create in the kitchen. I never needed an excuse to make cards or paintings, though. I simply love to do that.

I have set myself a goal to share the joys of creating with anyone who might like to virtually visit over the next year. I especially hope to encourage and inspire children to embark on their own creative journey.
On Mondays I’ll share a picture of something I made last week.
Tuesday Tutorials will be devoted to giving instructions for simple crafts I have enjoyed.
On Wednesdays we’ll try to give mum and dad a break and (if they let you), we’ll get *kids in the kitchen*.
We’ll explore crafts from around the world on Thursdays – I’ll post pictures we took on our recent almost-fifteen-month adventure around the world – they were inspirational to me.
Every Friday we’ll think about recycling – I’ll show examples of things we have recycled, suggest new uses for old things, perhaps even preach a sermon accompanied by some sobering pictures we have taken of rubbish. Saturdays, I invite you to *play a game*

Would you like to join me? Do you have friends who might be interested?
Who knows, you might even like to come for a day and do some creating together with me In Real Life.

(Regular posts will start on Monday)

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