
Archive for the ‘history’ Category

Location: Carcassonne, France

Craft: When castles were the center of activity and the fortress in times in trouble, they were the power and strength of the countries.

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1 1/2C flour
1C sugar
2C dessicated cocnut
2 1/4C rolled oats

Mix together

150g butter
3T golden syrup


1t baking soda
6T boiling water

Dissolve baking soda in the water and add to the butter and golden syrup
Stir this mixture into the dry ingredients
Place level tablespoonful of mixture onto greased trays
Bake at 180ºC for about 15 minutes or until golden

We usually make these biscuits on ANZAC day (25 April). They are very yummy and last for a long time , that is if you don’t eat them all on the day you bake them!!!

You may be wondering “What does ANZAC mean?” To explain this and ANZAC day I wrote a little on the subject a while back:

Who were the ANZACs?
The ANZACs were the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps

What is Anzac Day?
Anzac Day is the anniversary of the landing of the ANZACs, it is the day that we remember the soldiers who served and died in WWI, but more specifically we remember the ANZACs who landed at Gallipoli to fight the Turks. Supplies needed to be sent to Russia and the way that the British went about this was to send the supplies through Gallipoli. But before the supplies could be sent they needed to capture the southern peninsula of Gallipoli. The ANZACs landed Ari Burnu, which was later renamed Anzac Cove. Unfortunately the ANZACs were not successful. The Turks had feared such an attack and they were well prepared for anything that might come. The ANZACs however, didn’t know this, so they went right into a well-armed battle field.

What are Anzac biscuits?
Anzac biscuits (cookies for American readers) are a snack food most commonly made from the primary ingredients of rolled oats, coconut, and golden syrup.

Where did the term Anzac biscuit originate from?
One story is that the biscuits were made by Australian and New Zealand women for the ANZAC soldiers during World War I, that they were reputedly first called “Soldiers’ Biscuits” then renamed “ANZAC Biscuits” after the Gallipoli landing.

Bravo Anzacs

Rings the world with the fame
And glory of Australia’s name
Valiant sons of Britain true
Our great empire praises you

And to history shall go down
New Zealand’s loyal and brave renown
Zeal in every noble heart
Answering plays a hero’s part
Closer binds our empire’s tracks
Sons of Britain, Brave Anzacs

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Location: Iznek, Turkey

Craft: In Iznek people paint ceramic tiles with pale colours. However, when the tiles are fired the pales colours deepen and a rich coloured tile emerges ready use and sell.

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I (fifteen year old female with an unusual name I thank my parents for – Jaala) have a passion for all things creative. Since I was little I have loved making things….when my naturalistically-inclined brother was collecting insects, I made houses for his finds to live in…when he switched to birdwatching I constructed a hide for him to do it from….when my dolls needed new clothes I made them….when we were sweltering in the hot European sun, we tried valiantly to build a mechanical fan….hunger has given me cause to learn to create in the kitchen. I never needed an excuse to make cards or paintings, though. I simply love to do that.

I have set myself a goal to share the joys of creating with anyone who might like to virtually visit over the next year. I especially hope to encourage and inspire children to embark on their own creative journey.
On Mondays I’ll share a picture of something I made last week.
Tuesday Tutorials will be devoted to giving instructions for simple crafts I have enjoyed.
On Wednesdays we’ll try to give mum and dad a break and (if they let you), we’ll get *kids in the kitchen*.
We’ll explore crafts from around the world on Thursdays – I’ll post pictures we took on our recent almost-fifteen-month adventure around the world – they were inspirational to me.
Every Friday we’ll think about recycling – I’ll show examples of things we have recycled, suggest new uses for old things, perhaps even preach a sermon accompanied by some sobering pictures we have taken of rubbish. Saturdays, I invite you to *play a game*

Would you like to join me? Do you have friends who might be interested?
Who knows, you might even like to come for a day and do some creating together with me In Real Life.

(Regular posts will start on Monday)

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